William Shatner is one of the most iconic actors in Hollywood. Many do not know that he is also a producer, author, singer, director and screenwriter. Shatner gave life to role of Star Trek’s Captain James T. Kirk. He contributed immensely to the success of the show. When the show ended, Shatner briefly found it difficult to snatch some new roles. But the tables turned in his favor and he soon got back on his feet with more characters and various published books He also appeared in different TV shows as guest star.

Throughout his career, Shatner has won a Golden Globe Award, an Emmy and People’s Choice Award. As for his personal life, Shatner has had some issues with his past marriages for which the Canadian actor and author needed an attorney. Currently worth about $150 Million, Shatner probably has solid investments towards his retirement, so he can truly enjoy his hard earned money.
