Navarone Gаribаldi was born on March 1, 1983, and is the son оf Priѕсillа Prеѕlеу аnd Mаrсо Gаribаldi. Unfortunately, his parents parted ways in 2006 before they even got married. Unlike his mother, though, Navarone did not pursue an acting career. Instead, he became a musician and has since been a member of the band Them Guns. Besides Navarone, this LA-based rock band comprises members Kyle Hamood, Bobby Vega, and Chuck Holiday. For the band’s grunge-like vibe, Navarone has cited bands like Nine Inch Nails and Nirvana as their sources of inspiration.

With Navarone having some degree of relationship with the late King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, it comes as no surprise that he also pursued a career in the music industry. Even so, the Them Guns frontman and guitarist prefers not to ride on that fame; and by the looks of it, he and his bandmates are holding up their own quite well.
