If you get the credits for being a significant figure in pop culture for over 50 years, you can be considered an icon, too. That is exactly what happened to Bob Dylan, who has been a significant figure in pop culture with his work dating back to the 1960s. In 1962, the songwriter released his mostly-folk songs album, and the following year, another one was released.

Dylan’s former home in Harlem’s Saint Nicholas Historic District is sometimes featured in neighborhood tours. Although the house looks nothing but a 1990s brick townhouse outside, its inside is full of beautiful accents and even history. This estate is where Bob lived for 14 years. The house is now valued at $3.7 million after the singer-songwriter sold it for $650,000 to its current owners. The increase in price is no surprise as this neighborhood, known as Striver’s Row, has a number of famous residents, like the musician Eubie Blake and composer Noble Sissle.
