Steven Spielberg is best known to be one of the most influential personalities in the world of cinema. He is a renowned director in Hollywood and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world. Spielberg’s first significant directorial effort was in 1974, the Sugarland Express, with Goldie Hawn.

When he was looking for a home in Los Angeles, he found the perfect one in Pacific Palisades. He revealed that he was attracted by its location, giving him a view from Los Angeles International Airport to Malibu. He bought the property for $6.5 million and returned to square one to have it renovated. He stripped everything and re-did the whole place from the flooring to the ceiling. He even managed to double the space of the house, from 10,000 to 20,000 square feet. Although it seemed to be a lot of work, it was definitely worth it for a legendary filmmaker’s dream home.
