Sissy Spacek – Age: 72 Years

Sissy Spacek’s long and admirable career spans several decades. Being the first actress to portray Carrie, which ended up with several remakes, truly makes her an icon. She has received a number of nominations, won some awards, including an Oscar, and saved up enough investment money for a comfortable retirement.

Over the years, Sissy succeeded in keeping a private life out of the media, enabling her to enjoy her marriage and enjoying a scandal-free lifestyle. She and her husband share 2 kids, who are all grown up, and managed to stay away from the spotlight. Having been away from the public’s eye for quite some time, she does share tips on keeping herself youthful every now and then. She’d also have interview appearances and questions. She claims that her youthful look is due to using the right sunscreen, which helps her maintain her skin and keep her glowing. She also attributes her good looks to a strictly vegetarian diet and long strolls with her husband and dog.
