Ashley Fink – Fitness and diet

After making an appearance on the musical series Glee, Ashley Fink’s weight began to increase up to an unhealthy 300 pounds. This extra weight was putting her at risk for a number of ailments especially cardiovascular diseases. In an episode of the hit show Glee, her character was serenaded by Noah Puckerman, her admirer and fellow Glee club member. The song was about Puck’s feelings for Fink’s character, demonstrating how he is so attracted to her weight that he wrote a song about how crazy he is over her in spite of how heavy she is that at one time.

She was, however, advised by a doctor to quickly lose 40 pounds. After weighing the pros and cons of each of her many options, she decided to adopt a strict diet and intense workout routine. With a vast degree of consistency and hard work, Fink was able to drop 80 pounds of her excess weight. In an interview with her, she gave all the credits to a low-calorie diet and an intense cardio workout routine.
