Pauline Quirke – Fitness and diet

Those who remember the movie Birds of A Feather could agree that Pauline Quirke’s career skyrocketed after her appearance there. More so, her own weight was affected just as dramatically, but the actress knew not to take her chances and made a great degree of effort. She quickly adopted proper dieting and exercise instead of paying for surgery. After exerting much-needed efforts, she shrunk down to a size 12, a massive improvement as opposed to previously being a size 28.

Pauline is considered to be one of the celebrities who lost the most weight, with sixteen sizes down, she is now on her way to saying goodbye to the plus-size section and shopping at the curvy section for good. She admitted in an interview that this was one of the best decisions she has ever made in her whole life. Who would not feel accomplished after experiencing what she went through, right?
