Kevin Federline – Weight Loss Program

The dancing skills of Kevin Federline weren’t enough to get him the fame until he tied the knot with the pop star, Britney Spears. Their marriage didn’t run smooth as they eventually divorced and Kelvin was left to struggle with a remarkable weight gain of about 200 pounds. Apart from working with a lawyer, he had to engage a divorce lawyer, too.

People thought Britney was the only one to have had suffered a remarkable weight gain after the break up but turns out, her husband earned extra pounds as well. Indeed, depression, confusion, and stress are huge factors to gaining body weight. Fortunately, his marital hassle wasn’t a match for his desire to look fit. He later on focused his effort on getting back to his original body. He finally decided to join the VH1 Celebrity Fit Club. This proved to be the right decision. In the end, Kevin recorded a significant amount of weight loss and vibrant appearance.
