Penn Jillette – Fitness and diet

The race to healthier weight recovery hardly slows down for anyone. The news that Penn Jillette enrolled in a weight loss program to improve his body’s immunity against cardiovascular diseases dumbfounded everyone. Well, it seems that even good money management still has the possibility of failure on a particularly bad day! Anyway, the popular magician’s choice wasn’t a surprise that time as he quickly signed up for the right diet and regular fitness.

With consistency, he lost 100 pounds of excess weight. It looks like this choice is enough insurance for his health in the years to come. What Penn did was not pure magic, he managed to cope up with his weight by investing his time to more discipline and self-control. Weight loss programs are often very successful to people who are one hundred percent committed and willing to improve themselves. His decision did not only make him healthier, it also made him more attractive. That’s a win-win situation.
