FERGIE – Fitness and diet

Fergie surprised everyone like only increased mortgage rates ever could with an increased rate of weight gain. Well, she did not have a choice given the “bun in the oven” that she had. When the hip-hop star could not take any more of the fuss over her weight, she decided to follow a 1,200-calorie diet by Carrie Wiatt. Fergie followed the plan with determination and hard work, and within a matter of months, she lost about 20 pounds of her excess weight and then tried the more generous 1,60-calorie diet.

Being pregnant was a tricky time for Fergie, and we believe we are speaking for all the women out there. Having the excess weight during and after pregnancy is quite common. In Fergie’s case, it was a lot more remarkable than the others. With the help of her then husband Josh Duhammel and her own willingness to pursue a healthier lifestyle, the Black Eyed Peas singer accomplished her goal: a return to her gorgeous physique.
