Jack Black – Fitness and diet

Jack Black hardly cared about his weight gain even after gaining stardom. In case you don’t know him, he is one of the actors in the movies High Fidelity and School of Rock. The actor suddenly found himself motivated by the physical transformation of his former colleague and industry contemporary Kyle Glass. Jack didn’t waste any more time when he followed through a weight loss strategy including a low-carb diet and intense fitness. It was difficult, but the actor persevered.

Even though bloggers felt that his weight loss might have been the work of diet pills, his diet and fitness routine deserve all the credit for his transformation. Jack, famous for his fuller figure jokes and roles, decided that he would start to invest his time on a healthier lifestyle especially that he is getting older. He knows that as a YouTube influencer, he has to look good not only physically but also act as a role model for his followers.
