Back when Niсоlе Kidmаn wаѕ still mаrriеd tо Tоm Cruise, both of them decided to adopt a baby girl. Well, that lucky girl just so happened to be one Isabella Cruise. Although she was raised by two celebrity parents, she was fortunate enough not to be followed by the paparazzi all the time. However, after Tom and Nicole parted ways, Isabella also began to distance herself from them. Fortunately, as time went on, she started making amends with them, bit by bit.

For more than a couple of occasions, Isabella could often be found having a fun time with Tom Cruise around the city – he even paid for her marriage expenses. The following year after her wedding, in 2016, she also had a reunion with Nicole Kidman. With all things considered, Isabella undoubtedly deserves credit for reaching out to them again. To this day, she has been living a low-key simple life, working as a hair and makeup artist.
