Jane Fonda – Age: 82 Years

And of course, next on the list is Jane Fonda. Known for her exquisite beauty and talent, Jane Fonda has managed to be one in all. She has been an activist, an actress, model, philanthropist, and even fitness guru. Her timeless look has kept many wonderings what her hidden secret is? Also, though Fonda is in the middle of a resurgence with the new series “Grace & Frankie”, she has continued to win the hearts of many men.

Fonda no doubt has experienced a rough romantic life as his life seems an open book, yet never turned to drugs and guzzled alcohol to deal with her heartbreak. When the police arrested her for suspicion of drug smuggling, they later on discovered it was just vitamins. Who knows maybe this is her way of investing to keep herself glowing? Fonda didn’t shy away with the fact that she has occasionally paid visits to a plastic surgeon without the need for personal loans.
