Kristin Davis – Age: 55 Years

Hollywood personality Kristina Davis is known as one of Hollywood’s ageless actresses at 55. Her perfect skin helps her stay as gorgeous as she was when she just started out. Fans remain captivated by her beauty and are always waiting for her next appearance. Apparently, Kristin spends her investment money on good sunscreen and an extensive skincare regime. This is no secret, as Kristin is always enthusiastic to share that her beauty is all-natural.

It goes without saying that to have skin as glowing as hers, you’ll need a good sunscreen that can protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. Kristin Davis has been known as the fountain of Youth beauty since long due to her ever-fresh and ever-shing skin. In her conversation with Shawn at Access Hollywood, she said that she wants to look the same in even coming 20 years of her life. Also, she is triggered by the idea of retaining smile lines on her face, no matter what age she reaches.
